Artist - Writer - Costumier
The wind will make the world soar, The ice will crack and roar, The fire will drown out the dark, The ethereal will dance with a spark, The toxin will interpret the questions, The magic will light up the answers. When the 12 sacred hearts meet their destiny is clear. When the world crumbles at their feet, they are the only ones to save it. They are the Dragon Laska.
Crystla De-Ruxo
Frixy Toxique
Ayaan Burwern
Pyralis Zellwegger
Jaycee Blythe
Mazenta Zakidrake
Hayley Huang
Chadjaska Lagorio
Elizabeth "Be" Averesch
Alexis Averesch
Selene Deyka
Xavio Taipa
Dragon Laska is a collaborative webcomic between myself and Meroaw. It's a fantasy story featuring dragons, magic and an entirely queer cast. My personal roles within the comic include writing dialogue and jokes, illustrating the humanoid characters, line art, flat colours, speech bubbles and borders.
The comic is free to read on Webtoon here.
Logo design by Frosted Monster.